The Climate Catastrophe
The Four Killers of Humanity
Beyond Eco–Anxiety into Unity and Action
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In The Climate Catastrophe —The Four Killers of Humanity, Oscar brings to the forefront well–documented and revealing information on the planetary crisis caused by the Four Killers, resulting in violent climate change. This information points out the monumental efforts needed to address the problems. He goes directly into the root causes of the devastation of the planet, revealing our individual and collective behavior leading to the climate catastrophe. From this recognition, Oscar presents the higher way forward to address the planetary crisis with immediacy and direction, with Unity. Unity will serve the most pressing problems of the planet with collective actions to direct our energy to this immense catastrophe in front of us, thereby benefiting all humanity. With Unity we will find that, in fact, "We Are One," and with this knowledge we can go beyond our eco – anxiety and inaction and discover ways to take a role in being part of the solution by our actions to work toward a healthy planet for all creatures sharing life on our precious Earth.