A Commentary on Tantra

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eBook available on Apple Books - English and Spanish

Oscar makes a comprehensible presentation about the misinterpretations of tantra in this beautifully illustrated book, A Commentary on Tantra. He explains what tantra actually is, the historical background of the different methods of tantrism, and a comparison to the science–based and modern Teachings of tantra through the "Divine Nature" practice of his Integral Philosophy. Given the misconception of tantra in Western culture and the lack of understanding of its real purpose beyond the yoga of sex, these misinterpreted practices are shown not to provide an actual path to Enlightenment — which is the ultimate goal of any true tantric Teaching and practice. The historical information is found in well–delineated detail with artistic renderings or photographs and gives a broad basis of comparison with the Integral Method and Practice. It is important to have a grounded Teaching of the roots of this ancient spiritual practice and here we are also introduced to the modern Integral Method that can be easily grasped by a Western point of view. This book offers the reader a higher perspective of tantra with the knowledge of its most sacred and Self–realizing State of Liberation.