Commentary on Protoanalysis

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To quote Oscar from the Commentary, "Integral Philosophy includes Protoanalysis as the first and foremost analysis (Proto: first, foremost, original) of the human psyche in trainings of the Integral Theory and System. Protoanalysis is the practical application for analyzing and clarifying the Relative Mind process of our ego-self." His book A Commentary on Protoanalysis presents a valuable and thought-provoking work for the School that gives a higher perspective of the Protoanalytical Teachings. It will open a new level of understanding of the purpose of clarification and the awakening of the State of 'Mind-only' in order to "dissect and observe with acute precision our entire automatism and dreamlike existence."

A Commentary on Protoanalysis is available to those who are members of the Arica Institute and are active in the group and individual practices.

Prerequisites: The Integral Protoanalysis of The Scarab Trainings.
Requirements: Arica Institute membership